Inspirational Quotes & Affirmations to Support Sobriety

Check below to find our ultimate list of sober quotes. Another study suggests that positive messages can counter and help reduce people’s tendency to hang onto negative experiences, such as the challenges of addiction and withdrawal. “I didn’t get sober because I felt like it,” he told The New York Times in 2022. “I got sober because I was worried I was going to die the next day.” Today, Lowe has been sober for more than three decades. And that recognition seems to be fundamental to Lowe’s sobriety.

At Landmark Recovery, we’ve built a reputation for providing treatment to individuals seeking help for drug and alcohol addiction. You’re not just a number to us, and our team of dedicated professionals is waiting to greet you with compassion, understanding and respect. It takes toughness to make it through the pain of drug and alcohol detox. One of the safest ways to rid toxins from one’s body is to enter a treatment center that is experienced with detoxification. However, as a recovering addict, you must be ready to summon an inner reservoir of strength to make it through the day successfully. Overcoming the power of addiction is no easy achievement.

Quotes for saying it how it is

Wherever you are on your journey, motivational quotes and affirmations can give you a boost of encouragement to keep going. Creating visual reminders of quotes, like writing them on a sticky note or saving them as your phone background, is a great way to integrate inspiration into your daily life. Okay, so this one sobriety sayings might not be specifically about sobriety, but it can definitely apply to recovering addicts from both drugs and alcohol. I’ve learned the hard way I am the only person that can change my life. For a few years before I finally quit, I knew, intuitively, that alcohol was holding me back from becoming my full self.

Quotes of Sobriety

“My phone stopped ringing the minute word got out that I had put the bottle down — and that was pretty painful.” And Osbourne knows of what she speaks, having relapsed in 2021 after several years of sobriety. “I am an addict and had thought that I had enough time under my belt and I could drink like a normal person, and it turns out I cannot and I will never be normal,” she told Extra at the time.

“The Difference Today Is That I Have Hope”, Finding Peace Through Addiction Recovery & Sobriety Video

But, to many of us reading a quote makes us feel human again. When we realize that our situation is relatable and other people have experienced the same thing too, we feel so much better. Trying to be sober is so hard that it literally makes one physically ill. My heart and prayers to everyone fighting addiction.

In fact, society and advertisements tell us it’s weird if you aren’t getting drunk. It’s weird if you aren’t having a cocktail at happy hour after work. It’s weird if you aren’t enjoying a glass of wine with your pasta at home.

Quotes inspiring Sobriety

Having trusted friends or family, sponsors, or mental health professionals in your toolbox will be a big help. This statistic can be used to highlight the prevalence of addiction in the US and the importance of sobriety for those struggling with addiction. This highlights the seriousness of alcohol addiction and the need for awareness about the benefits of sobriety.

What is the oath of sobriety?

I will live my life to the max. I will honor my mind, body, and spirit by not smoking, using illegal drugs, or drinking alcohol before my 21st birthday. I will educate myself about these dangerous substances and live my dream without them.

Despite all the press and industry attention, Moss felt evermore alone. She went to the show’s after party and drank so much that she missed her flight the next day. Robert Downey Jr. struggled with drugs and alcohol in youth only to find support in rehabilitation that helped him become Iron Man to millions of people. Find your inner Iron Man to pull yourself up from rock bottom. Individual and group therapy at Hollywood Hills Recovery can help you get to the root of your substance abuse.

‘” Dr. Heinzerling says, adding that it requires a lot of small choices every day that add up for the rest of your life. Self-love is one of the most important steps for recovering addicts to achieve because it is oftentimes one of the root causes of addiction. Self-love involves accepting your flaws as a human being, by letting go of internally held bias and allowing yourself to find happiness within, as opposed to through material means. The daily battle for sobriety is an all-too-familiar struggle for many recovering addicts. Even for those years into their sobriety, the threat of relapse remains a lurking presence in their day-to-day lives. If you ever feel this way, know that there are plenty of people who are dealing with the same struggle, and that each day of sobriety is another victory.

Quotes of Sobriety

This is one of those inspirational sobriety quotes that just makes me laugh. I’ve never broken out in handcuffs, but I’ve certainly gotten in trouble from alcohol more times than I care to admit. A recent study found that participants who received inspirational quotes reported higher well-being, life satisfaction, and happiness scores than those who did not. These findings are consistent with previous research that showed the power of the right words to motivate and inspire people to a better life. Those in recovery have many quotes to inspire them to successfully achieve a sober and happy life.

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