How To Migrate To The Cloud: A Step-By-Step Guide

For most organizations, skilled employees with cloud technology are not in abundance. The demand for skilled professionals is more than the available resources. AWS solutions address the people, process, technology, and financial considerations throughout the migration and modernization journey to ensure your project achieves the desired business outcomes. With over a million active global customers, AWS has helped organizations of all sizes move to and thrive in the cloud. Leaders such as Ferrari, Formula 1, Intuit, Moderna, NASA, the NHL, Orangetheory Fitness, PBS, Redfin, and Snapchat all choose AWS to help them increase agility, lower costs, and accelerate innovation.

Cloud migration process

To find out more, follow these links for additional details on AWS high availability, Azure high availability architecture, or Google Cloud high availability. Another consideration to keep in mind is meeting ongoing performance and availability benchmarks to ensure your RPO and RTO objectives should they change. Automation becomes a must-have when there are hundreds of components that you need to migrate and even more performance tests to run to make sure everything works as intended.

Google Cloud Adoption Framework

You need to evaluate
the extra time and effort to redesign and rewrite the app as part of its
lifecycle. Lift and shift migrations are the easiest to perform because your team can
continue to use the same set of tools and skills that they were using before. Because you migrate
existing workloads with minimal refactoring, lift and shift migrations tend to
be the quickest, compared to improve and move or remove and replace migrations.

Cloud migration process

This process involves moving software from on-premise resources to the cloud without any changes in the application or a process used before. It is the fastest type of cloud migration available and involves fewer work disruptions since it involves only infrastructure, information, and security teams. Furthermore, it is more cost-effective compared to other methods available.

What is cloud migration? An introduction to moving to the cloud

Re-platforming is a cloud migration process that involves replacing the application code to make it cloud-native. This process is the most resource-intensive type of migration, as it requires a lot of planning. Migrating a workload from a legacy on-premises environment or private hosting
environment to a cloud-native environment, such as a public cloud, can be
challenging and risky.

Cloud migration process

It’s important that these steps are taken to avoid making the wrong technology and methodology choices or encountering surprises during the migration process. This option allows you to migrate portions of your application to the cloud, while leaving other elements in your legacy environment. For example, you might continue to host your monolithic application in-house, while moving its database to the cloud, where it can achieve better performance and take advantage of cloud-based analytics tools. You may still need to make some backend adjustments to legacy elements, but this approach can help you move your monolithic application piece-by-piece to the cloud.

Cloud Roadmap: Mapping Out Your Path to the Cloud

IT managers must consider where the data will go, how to manage the technical transition and how to address any business or legal issues that may arise. Be sure to test the app before and after the repatriation, just as with the initial migration. If the app was altered to accommodate specific cloud benefits, such as horizontal scaling, those benefits would be lost when the app comes back on premises. Before the workload moves to production, it should be stress tested and optimized to deliver acceptable performance.

Cloud migration process

Schedule a pilot migration, based on your design, in a non-production environment and address any issues that arise during the pilot. Of course, sometimes it makes sense to simply retain your current situation and not make any changes or updates. For example, if you’re anticipating an upcoming merger or end-of-life announcement, there might not be a compelling enough reason for modernization. Or perhaps you need to maintain certain elements that serve as “connectors” or “bridges” to other modern elements in your organization. But there should still be a long-term strategy in place, since the longer you hold on to inefficient, resource-heavy infrastructure, the less budget and resources you’ll have when you’re ready to innovate.

Quality Performance

Keep in mind that cloud migration won’t free your IT specialists from working with environments and deployments. However, there are infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools that can assist with it. DevOps specialists can replace manual work with several lines of code and optimize the whole process. While this method provides the ability to personalize cloud data migration your application, it sometimes can cause problems in the support model provided by the SaaS (Software-as-a-service) platform. It’s risky enough that you could lose some competitive edge in your industry. This method is more suitable for non-customer facing applications and routine functionalities such as email and payroll.

  • Let’s begin by examining these two popular cloud migration strategies.
  • But cloud migration allows curtailing operational expenses since cloud service providers like SaaS or even PaaS takes care of maintenance and upgrades of these data centers for a minimal upfront cost.
  • The three-phase migration process is designed to help your organization approach a migration of tens, hundreds, or thousands of applications.
  • Managing apps in the cloud is unlike working with local data centers and routine virtualized resources, and thus requires a different set of IT and management skills.
  • There are many tools designed to make migration more straightforward and do most of the hard work.

Maximizing long-term value in the cloud depends on modernizing applications, infrastructure and data architecture. Manage cloud tools and service providers with automated compliance, monitoring, optimization and governance. The company updates components of an application to conform to enterprise standards, functional needs, and security needs. For companies that undertake the process of cloud migration, the cloud can have a massive impact. The global pandemic has seen more and more companies accelerate their move to the cloud, reinventing their offerings, and becoming more cost-efficient, agile, and innovative in how they operate their businesses.


Some process-heavy organizations may require more than one cloud service. This topic describes how to use a cross-region migration plan in Cloud Migration Hub (CMH) to migrate mainstream cloud resources from a region to another. Perhaps you are not ready to prioritise an app that was recently upgraded?

Create industry and function-specific data and AI insights and intelligence for businesses through Cloud industry-specific data models. Leverage hybrid cloud or reinvent your networks and workplace experience to accelerate cloud’s value. Security and compliance are built in at the core to protect your most business-critical workloads and most sensitive data. Cloud improves agility with standardized “appliance-like” service that can be provisioned in minutes in an aaS Opex model, saving approximately 50% in start-up time. This includes a reduction in the total cost of ownership (TCO), faster time to delivery, and enhanced opportunities for innovation. With access to the cloud comes agility and flexibility, both of which are imperative to meet changing consumer and market demands.

Cloud Migration Phases: Prepare, Plan, Migrate, Operate, Optimize

This often requires you to redesign some processes, but it also can be an opportunity to improve and optimize those processes. Modernized cloud infrastructure gives your IT team greater agility so that they can deliver new functionality to users faster. Leveraging the cloud also allows them to implement cutting-edge technology like AI, IoT and machine learning to drive innovation. Attempting to execute such resource-intensive technologies on legacy hardware is not only expensive but, in some cases, impossible.

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